Our Personal, Social, Healthy and Economic, Relationships and Sex Education (PSHERE) curriculum determines and underpins the ethos of Harris Invictus – we are ambitious, courageous, resilient and undefeated; we are ready, responsible, and respectful. We will offer a whole-school approach which enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society with a global view. Our intention is to develop the whole child and to provide knowledge, skills and attributes required to protect and boost student wellbeing.
Young people face all kinds of pressures and dilemmas in developing mature relationships and need to face such tasks confident in their factual knowledge, as well as being given the opportunity to discuss and shape their feelings and attitudes. We tackle those difficult topics, around safe relationships, growing up and any contextual safeguarding issues. As well as celebrating them as young people with all the ideas and creativity they bring to our community.
Alongside this, it is important for them to know how diet and exercise choices impact our lifestyle and general well-being. PSHERE at Invictus will help students to understand these areas and start to unpick their own place in a wider world. Please see below for latest